America is at a cross-roads. You can decide to continue with the status-quo of billionaire worship and blaming workers and the poor for all your social and economic ills, or you can begin to stand up like the people in Wisconsin and other states to protest the ever-growing Plutocracy.
The ones who have been raping ALL countries and now is dismantling America., is the SAME GROUP OF CREEPS: The International Bankers, ie, International Monetary Fund, ie, The federal reserve. It's all the same gang whatever it calls itself in each country or context. They do it under black flag ops., ie, in secrecy,that is through MINIONS, PUPPETS or whatever term defines their lack of character. We have been "sheeple" for too long. For America's sake, let's get our noses out of the TV and WAKE UP!
WAKE UP copyright SGTbull07
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